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A tradition of providing effective pain relief

Chiropractic Adjustment

An adjustment is a safe, effective method applied by chiropractors used to remove joint fixations in the body that may lead to structural changes, arthritis, and joint degeneration, causing pain and discomfort if left untreated. Adjustments are most commonly performed on the spine, but extremities, such as feet, knees, hands, and shoulders, can also benefit and respond well to an adjustment.


The doctor will meet with you face to face to provide you with information and an understanding of what to expect during your visit to our office. It is at this time that the doctor will determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic treatment, and will answer questions you may have.

X-Ray Services

A picture of the bones in your body can be used as a tool to help the doctor determine the best plan of action for your treatment. We utilize a digital x-ray machine and will review the findings on site with you.


An initial examination is performed on all new patients in order for the doctor to determine how to best treat and manage your symptoms.

Massage Therapy

Massage is performed by a licensed massage therapist with the purpose of relaxing tight and tense muscles, breaking up scar tissue, increasing circulation, and improving flexibility.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Functional exercises for specific muscle groups are taught in office with the purpose of re-building muscle strength, power, endurance, and mobility, in turn creating a body less susceptible to daily physical stress, as well as aids in healing from post traumatic injuries.

Kinesiotaping AKA Rock Tape

Special tape applied to the skin that helps increase circulation to injured tissues, improves stability, and reduces pain and fatigue.


A variety of modalities are available, depending on your needs including electric muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, intersegmental traction, cryotherapy, and moist heat therapy. These modalities assist in the healing process of injured and stressed tissues in the body.

Pain Management

Once the cause of your pain is determined by thorough examination, a treatment plan is created. The plan may include a combination of therapies and exercises that aim to provide you with pain relief in a safe, non-invasive, non medicinal manner.

Auto Accidents/Slip and Falls

Special treatment is needed to address the types of injuries received due to the trauma that auto accidents and slip and falls place on the body. A combination of treatment services will be utilized to help your body heal and get you feeling better, allowing you to return to your normal daily life.

Wellness Care

Your wellness plan will be personalized for you. Chiropractic adjustments should be incorporated into your self-care routine to combat the stresses of daily life and past trauma and/or injuries. You may notice improvement in sleep, better mobility and flexibility, less susceptibility to strains and sprains, better mental clarity, and many more benefits!

Achieve a higher quality of life. Naturally.

We Will Work With Your Busy Schedule

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